
ORCID - 0000-0002-6348-858X

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Papers in 2025

4 matches found:

Nuclear Astrophysics in the Storage Ring: Background Suppressed Simultaneous Measurement of (p,γ) and (p,n) Reactions
L. Varga, J. Glorius, M. Aliotta, K. Blaum, L. Bott and 85 more
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 82701 (2025)

First Measurement of the Neutron-Emission Probability with a Surrogate Reaction in Inverse Kinematics at a Heavy-Ion Storage Ring
M. Sguazzin, B. Jurado, J. Pibernat, J. A. Swartz, M. Grieser and 48 more
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 72501 (2025)

First simultaneous measurement of the γ-ray and neutron emission probabilities in inverse kinematics at a heavy-ion storage ring
M. Sguazzin, B. Jurado, J. Pibernat, J. A. Swartz, M. Grieser and 48 more
Phys. Rev. C 111, 24614 (2025)

Towards a new generation of solid total-energy detectors for neutron-capture time-of-flight experiments with intense neutron beams
J. Balibrea-Correa, V. Babiano-Suarez, J. Lerendegui-Marco, C. Domingo-Pardo, I. Ladarescu and 132 more
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 1072, 170110 (2025)