09:00 Beatriz Jurado and Rene Reifarth - Opening
09:15 Yuri Litvinov - Introduction to storage rings
10:45 Zuzana Slavkovska - 124Xe(p,γ) cross section measured at ESR: Status and analysis
11:30 Jan Glorious - Proton Capture Measurements at ESR/Cryring: Status and Outlook
14:00 Christoph Langer - Proton Capture Measurements at ESR/Cryring: Future measurements and ideas
14:45 Phil Woods - Musings on nuclear astrophysical reaction studies with CRYRING
15:30 David Denis-Petit - Surrogate-reaction studies at storage rings
16:15 Ricardo Perez Sanchez - Gamma-emission probabilities with stored isomeric beams
09:00 Manfred Grieser - A new storage ring for ISOLDE
10:30 Rene Reifarth - Neutron-induced cross sections in inverse kinematics at storage rings
11:30 All participants - Discussions about future activities, future experiments, other collaborations