LAND/R3B setup at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung
LAND setup
At the LAND setup (n,γ) reactions of instable isotopes are studied in inverse kinematics by Coulomb Dissociation.
The nuclei under investigation impinges on a lead target. In a peripheral collision, the target nucleus acts as a source
of a time-dependent electromagnetic field.
The LAND setup provides a possibility to detect all reaction products, thus delivering kinematically complete data.
The incoming and all outgoing particles are identified with respect to their A, Z and four-momentum on an event-by-event
R3B - Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams
The aim of the R3B international collaboration is to develop and construct a versatile reaction setup with high efficiency,
acceptance, and resolution for kinematically complete measurements of reactions with high-energy radioactive beams.
The setup will be located at the focal plane of the high-energy branch of the Super-FRS at the FAIR accelerator complex.