Datenanalyse in Physik und Astronomie


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Lehrplan/Syllabus, Mathematica Notebook

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Die Videos sind ebenfalls unter folgender YouTube Playlist gesammelt.

Zur vertiefenden Vorbereitung versuche ich externes Material zu ausgewählten Themen zu verlinken. Beispiele dafür sind Lehrvideos, wie von Prof. Jörn Loviscach, aber auch andere.

Liste der Vorlesungstermine





Lecture Notes/Skripte

Organisatorisches Lehrplan/Syllabus, Mathematica Notebook
Unsure whether to take the course or not? Take the Quiz

Introduction to data: Introduction to Data, Mathematica Notebook
Datenvisualisierung: Data Visualization, Mathematica Notebook


Introduction to Data (Part 1) (24:04)
Introduction to Data (Part 2) (13:17)

Data Visualization (Part 1) (21:24)
Data Visualization (Part 2) (23:57)
Data Visualization (Part 3) (09:46)
Data Visualization (Part 4) (10:04)

Zusätzliches Material/Additional reading


NEW:TED Talk - How to spot a misleading graph 4:09
CSE512 Data Visualization (Winter 2014), University of Washington
Khan Academy: Creating and interpreting scatterplots
Khan Academy: Box and whisker plots
Khan Academy: Frequency tables & dot plots
Khan Academy: Creating a histogram
Khan Academy: Interpreting a histogram


Assignments are shared and submitted via GitHub Classroom.

Use the following Invitation linke for a starter assignment to learng the basics of GitHub and GitHub Classromm

Use the following Invitation link for DAAP assignment 1: Intro to data structure and data visualization

Q & A

Plot-data: 2.9,2.45,2.5,3.5,3.7,3.0,1.75,0.75,0.3,0.2,1.9,1.6,0.5,-0.5,-2.8

(Q & A: 16.04.2024)


Lecture Notes/Skripte

Statistics (PDF), Statistics (NB)


Statistics (Part 1: Statistics of location) 34:47
Statistics (Part 2: Statistics of scatter) 15:47
Statistics (Part 3: Samples & bias) 21:07

Ergänzungen (Videos von Prof. Jörn Loviscach)
28.01 Varianz, Standardabweichung 13:37
28.02 Varianz, Standardabweichung berechnen 13:13
28.03 Normalverteilung, zentraler Grenzwertsatz 14:58
Wahrscheinlichkeitsbegriffe, Häufigkeit, Bayes, Laplace
Kolmogorow-Axiome der Wahrscheinlichkeit

Zusätzliches Material/Additional reading
Varianz, Standardabweichung einer Zufallsgröße 36:55
Mittelwertbildung verringert Varianz und Standardabweichung 21:30
drei Münzen; Erwartungswert der Standardabweichung der Stichprobe 18:46
Standardabweichung der Lebensdauer 14:14
Erwartungswert, Varianz, Standardabweichung für eine diskrete und eine stetige Verteilung 18:35
Erwartungswert, Varianz, Standardabweichung von drei Münzen13:13

Q & A

(Q & A: 23.04.2024)


Lecture Notes/Skripte
Probabilities Part 1 (PDF), Probabilities Part 1 (NB)
Probabilities Part 2 (PDF), Probabilities Part 2 (NB)


Lecture 4 - Probabilities A 1/5
Lecture 4 - Probabilities A 2/5
Lecture 4 - Probabilities A 3/5
Lecture 4 - Probabilities A 4/5
Lecture 4 - Probabilities A 5/5
Lecture 4 - Probabilities B 1/4
Lecture 4 - Probabilities B 2/4
Lecture 4 - Probabilities B 3/4
Lecture 4 - Probabilities B 4/4

Ergänzungen (Videos von Prof. Jörn Loviscach)
Wahrscheinlichkeitsbegriffe, Häufigkeit, Bayes, Laplace
Kolmogorow-Axiome der Wahrscheinlichkeit

Zusätzliches Material/Additional reading

Ergänzungen (Weitere Lehrvideos)
Khan Academy: Summarizing center of distributions (central tendency)
Khan Academy: Summarizing spread of distributions
Khan Academy: Sampling distributions
Bozeman Science: Standard Error
Wahrscheinlichkeit, Kolmogorow, Ereignis, unvereinbar, unabhängig 35:47
Beispiel Binomialverteilung, Beispiel Laplace-Experiment 23:59
Wahrscheinlichkeit; dreimal würfeln, mindestens eine Sechs 13:07
Wahrscheinlichkeit; einmal Kopf mit idealer Münze und gezinkter Münze 3:39
Wahrscheinlichkeit; Buchstaben für Wort ziehen 2:52
Wahrscheinlichkeit; hundert Bauteile, mindestens eines defekt 15:32
Wahrscheinlichkeit; niemand im Laden 7:45
Wahrscheinlichkeit; Bayes; Verspätung und schlechtes Wetter 6:18
idealer und defekter Würfel; unabhängige und unvereinbare Ereignisse 7:41
überraschende Wahrscheinlichkeiten; Mädchen am Montag 14:00
ideale oder nichtideale Münze fünfmal werfen 36:19

Ergänzungen (Weitere Lehrvideos)
Khan Academy: Intro to theoretical probability
Khan Academy: Simple probability: yellow marble
Khan Academy: Simple probability: non-blue marble
Khan Academy: Experimental probability
Khan Academy: Theoretical and experimental probabilites
Khan Academy: Permutation formula
Khan Academy: Combination formula

(Q & A: 30.04.2024)


Lecture Notes/Skripte
Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen Probability Distributions, Mathematica Notebook


Probability Distributions (Part 1) 16:11
Probability Distributions (Part 2) 43:10
Probability Distributions (Part 3) 24:53
Probability Distributions (Part 4) 13:42

Zusätzliches Material/Additional reading

Ergänzungen (Videos von Prof. Jörn Loviscach)
Normalverteilung, zentraler Grenzwertsatz, Skizze einer Herleitung 67:20
Normalverteilung in, Wahrscheinlichkeitsdichte, kumulierte Verteilungsfunktion

Ergänzungen (Weitere Lehrvideos)
Khan Academy: Shapes of distributions
Khan Academy: Comparing distributions
Khan Academy: Normal distributions
Khan Academy: Binomial probability
Khan Academy: Poisson distribution
Khan Academy: Variance of differences of random variables
Khan Academy: Central limit theorem

Self-study problems and exercises

Assignment 2

Assignments are shared and submitted via GitHub Classroom.

Use the following Invitation link for DAAP assignment 2: Astronomical Data

(Q & A: 07.05.2024)


Lecture Notes/Skripte

Hypothesis Tests Probability Distributions, Mathematica Notebook
Hypothesentests bei kategorischen Variablen HTs for categorical variables, Mathematica Notebook


Hypothesis Tests (Part 1) 21:33
Hypothesis Tests (Part 2) 24:35
Hypothesis Tests (Part 3) 17:38
Hypothesis Tests (Part 4) 09:46

Hypothesis Tests for Categorical Variables (Part 1) 09:27
Hypothesis Tests for Categorical Variables (Part 2) 18:35
Hypothesis Tests for Categorical Variables (Part 3) 11:08
Hypothesis Tests for Categorical Variables (Part 4) 18:43

Zusätzliches Material/Additional reading
Khan Academy: Confidence intervals (one sample)
Khan Academy: Significance tests (one sample) (one sample)
Khan Academy: Significance tests and confidence intervals (two samples)
Khan Academy: Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Khan Academy: ANOVA 1: Calculating SST (total sum of squares)
Khan Academy:ANOVA 2: Calculating SSW and SSB (total sum of squares within and between)
Khan Academy: ANOVA 3: Hypothesis test with F-statistic
Khan Academy: Margin of error 1
Khan Academy: Margin of error 2
Khan Academy: Standard error of the mean
Khan Academy: Hypothesis testing and p-values
Khan Academy: Idea behind hypothesis testing
Khan Academy: One-tailed and two-tailed tests
Khan Academy: Z-statistics vs. T-statistics
Khan Academy: T-statistic confidence interval
Khan Academy: Inference for categorical data (chi-square tests)

(Q & A: 14.05.2024)


Lecture Notes/Skripte

Korrelationen Correlation, Mathematica Notebook


Correlation (Part 1) 17:15
Correlation (Part 2) 35:46
Correlation (Part 3) 23:23
Correlation (Part 4) 07:52

Zusätzliches Material/Additional reading
Khan Academy: Correlation and causality

Self-study problems and exercises

Assignment 3

Assignments are shared and submitted via GitHub Classroom.

Use the following Invitation link for DAAP assignment 3: Bayesian statistics, samples statistics and tests

Q & A

(Q & A: 21.05.2024)


Lecture Notes/Skripte

Fehleranalyse Error Analysis, Mathematica Notebook


Error Analysis (Part 1) 09:26
Error Analysis (Part 2) 16:20
Error Analysis (Part 3) 18:01

Zusätzliches Material/Additional reading
Khan Academy: Correlation and causality

Q & A
{{2.5, 2.4}, {.5, .7}, {2.2, 2.9}, {1.9, 2.2}, {3.1, 3.}, {2.3, 2.7}, {2., 1.6}, {1, 1.1}, {1.5, 1.6}, {1.1, .9}};

(Q & A: 28.05.2024)


Lecture Notes/Skripte
Regressionsanalyse Regression Analysis, Mathematica Notebook


Lecture 10 - Linear regression (Part 1) 09:09
Lecture 10 - Linear regression (Part 2) 17:34
Lecture 10 - Linear regression (Part 3) 20:41
Lecture 10 - Linear regression (Part 4) 09:15
Lecture 10 - Linear regression (Part 5) 29:09

Zusätzliches Material/Additional reading
Khan Academy: Advanced regression (inference and transforming)
Khan Academy: Squared error of regression line
Khan Academy: Proof (part 1) minimizing squared error to regression line
Khan Academy: Proof (part 2) minimizing squared error to regression line
Khan Academy: Proof (part 3) minimizing squared error to regression line
Khan Academy: Proof (part 4) minimizing squared error to regression line
Khan Academy: Regression line example
Khan Academy: R-squared or coefficient of determination
Khan Academy: Second regression example
Khan Academy: Calculating R-squared
Khan Academy: Covariance and the regression line

Self-study problems and exercises

Assignment 4

Assignments are shared and submitted via GitHub Classroom.

Use the following Invitation link for DAAP assignment 4: Correlation and PCA

Q & A

alternatively: MNIST images (CSV): images.csv, MNIST image labels (txt): imagelabel.txt
Spectrum Data: test_dataset.fits
Faces Data: faces94.tar.gz

(Q & A: 04.06.2024)


Lecture Notes/Skripte

Modellanalyse, Parameterbestimmung Data Modelling and Parameter estimation, Mathematica Notebook


Lecture 11 - Data Modelling and Parameter Estimation (Part 1/3) 31:56
Lecture 11 - Data Modelling and Parameter Estimation (Part 2/3) 18:42
Lecture 11 - Data Modelling and Parameter Estimation (Part 3/3) 11:26

Zusätzliches Material/Additional reading
Khan Academy: Pearson's chi square test (goodness of fit)
Bozeman Science: Chi-squared Test

Q & A

Data: gauss.dat (CSV), gauss_w_err.dat (CSV)

(Q & A: 11.06.2024)


Lecture Notes/Skripte

Interpolation and Smoothing PDF, Mathematica Notebook


Lecture 12 - Interpolation and Smoothing (Part 1/6) 24:47
Lecture 12 - Interpolation and Smoothing (Part 2/6) 19:33
Lecture 12 - Interpolation and Smoothing (Part 3/6) 18:26
Lecture 12 - Interpolation and Smoothing (Part 4/6) 26:59
Lecture 12 - Interpolation and Smoothing (Part 5/6) 11:17
Lecture 12 - Interpolation and Smoothing (Part 6/6) 33:03

Zusätzliches Material/Additional reading

Assignment 5

Assignments are shared and submitted via GitHub Classroom.

Use the following Invitation link for DAAP assignment 5: Model fitting

Q & A


(Q & A: 18.06.2024)


Lecture Notes/Skripte

Singulär Wert Zerlegung, Singular Value Decomposition PDF, Mathematica Notebook


Lecture 13 - Singular Value Decomposition (Part 1/4) 19:00
Lecture 13 - Singular Value Decomposition (Part 2/4) 05:15
Lecture 13 - Singular Value Decomposition (Part 3/4) 12:04
Lecture 13 - Singular Value Decomposition (Part 4/4) 17:36

Zusätzliches Material/Additional reading
Khan Academy: Polynomial approximation of functions (part 1)
Khan Academy: Polynomial approximation of functions (part 2)
Khan Academy: Polynomial approximation of functions (part 3)
Data Fitting: Polynomial Fitting and Splines, Part 1
Data Fitting: Polynomial Fitting and Splines, Part 2
Data Fitting: Polynomial Fitting and Splines, Part 3
Data Fitting: Polynomial Fitting and Splines, Part 4
Khan Academy: Introduction to the convolution

(Q & A: 25.06.24)


Lecture Notes/Skripte

Gaußsche Prozesse Gaussian Processes, Mathematica Notebook


Lecture 14 - Gaussian Processes (Part 1/6) 15:26
Lecture 14 - Gaussian Processes (Part 2/6) 23:05
Lecture 14 - Gaussian Processes (Part 3/6) 07:35
Lecture 14 - Gaussian Processes (Part 4/6) 10:40
Lecture 14 - Gaussian Processes (Part 5/6) 08:11
Lecture 14 - Gaussian Processes (Part 6/6) 24:37

Zusätzliches Material/Additional reading
Multivariate Gaussian - definition
Multivariate Gaussian - examples and independence
Gaussian Processes 1 - Philipp Hennig - MLSS 2013 Tübingen
Machine learning - Introduction to Gaussian processes
ML Tutorial: Gaussian Processes (Richard Turner)
A Visual Exploration of Gaussian Processes
Gaussian processes (Jupyter/python code)

Q & A

PDF file of on-site exercise
Data files
Use the following data files to perform the model fits. Test whether gauss2.dat is really a single Gaussian. You can use the python function fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() from from astropy.modeling (import models, fitting)

  • gauss1.dat Which Gaussian profile gives the best fit to the data?
  • gauss2.dat Is a single Gaussian profile a good model for the data?

FITS file of the on-site data

Evaluation Link

(Q & A: 02.07.2024)


Lecture Notes/Skripte

Einführung in Neuronale Netze Introduction to Neural Networks, Mathematica Notebook


Lecture 15 - Neural Networks (Part 1/4) 21:07
Lecture 15 - Neural Networks (Part 2/4) 11:17
Lecture 15 - Neural Networks (Part 3/4) 16:06
Lecture 15 - Neural Networks (Part 4/4) 11:11

Zusätzliches Material/Additional reading
Tensorflow Playground
Adventures learning Neural Nets and Python
Introduction To Neural Networks, github repository
How Deep Neural Networks Work
3Blue1Brown Videos
Aber was *ist* nun ein neuronales Netzwerk? | Teil 1, Deep Learning
Gradient descent, how neural networks learn | Deep learning, chapter 2
Was macht Backpropagation wirklich? | Kapitel 3, Deep Learning
Backpropagation calculus | Deep learning, chapter 4
NEW: One pixel attack | Just change one pixel and fool the neural network into making crazy predictions

Q & A

Data: (CSV), (CSV)

Assignment 6

Assignments are shared and submitted via GitHub Classroom.

Use the following Invitation link for DAAP assignment 6: Interpolation and smoothing

(Q & A: 09.07.2024)