IReNA virtual workshop on stellar burning - 2020
June-17, June-24, June-30, July-1 2020


The Focus Area 1 (FA1) of the International Research Network for Nuclear Astrophysics (IReNA) is concerned with the determination of nuclear reaction rates of critical astrophysical importance in the laboratory using a broad range of experimental approaches, including heavy ion storage rings, deep underground laboratories, intense photon beams, neutron beams, and recoil separators at stable and rare isotope accelerator facilities.

This virtual workshop is organized within FA1 and consists of a series of 3 seminars. The purpose is to build and strengthen international collaborations in nuclear astrophysics issues related to stellar burning (broadly defined). The structure will take advantage of the online format, taking place for 2-hour sessions each week for three weeks. Each speaker will present a 20-minute talk followed by a 10-minute open discussion.

We kindly ask you to register to receive the corresponding announcements via email.